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Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Android Wear 2.0 for China - Developer Preview

Posted by Hoi Lam, Developer Advocate

Today at Google
Developer Day China
, we are happy to announce a href=" wear_launch_chinadeveloperpreview_121316&utm_source=anddev&utm_medium=blog">developer preview
of Android Wear 2.0 for developers creating apps for China. Android Wear 2.0 is
the biggest update since our partners launched their first devices in China last

We're making a Developer Preview available today and plan to release additional
updates in the coming months. Please send us your feedback by href="">filing bugs or posting in our href="">Android Wear
Developers community.

Developing for the Chinese Market

With Android Wear 2.0, apps can access the internet directly on Android Wear
devices. As a result, for the majority of apps, having a companion phone
application is no longer necessary. This means that most developers creating
apps for Android Wear 2.0 may no longer need to import the Google Play services

There are two situations where developers will need to import Google Play
services for China:

  • Apps that require direct interaction with the paired mobile
    - some experiences require Android Wear to connect directly to a
    paired phone. In this case, the href=" wear_launch_chinadeveloperpreview_121316&utm_source=anddev&utm_medium=blog">Data
    Layer API introduced in Android Wear 1.0 will continue to function.
  • New href="">FusedLocationProvider
    for China
    - we have added location detection to the SDK for Chinese
    developers. With the user's permission, your app can receive location updates
    via the FusedLocationProvider.

You can find more details about how to import the China compatible version of
Google Play services library href=" wear_launch_chinadeveloperpreview_121316&utm_source=anddev&utm_medium=blog">here.

Product testing for Android Wear 2.0 for China

The Android Wear 2.0 Developer Preview includes an updated SDK with tools, and
system images for testing using the Huawei Watch.

To get started, follow these steps:

  • Update to Android Studio v2.1.1 or later
  • Visit the href=" wear_launch_chinadeveloperpreview_121316&utm_source=anddev&utm_medium=blog">Android Wear 2.0
    Developer Preview site for downloads and documentation
  • href=" wear_launch_chinadeveloperpreview_121316&utm_source=anddev&utm_medium=blog">Download
    the device system images
  • Test your app with your supported device

Give us feedback

We will update this developer preview over the next few months based on your
feedback. The sooner we hear from you, the more we can include in the final
release, so don't be shy!

Android Wear 2.0 中国版 - 开发者预览版

编辑: 林海泉, Android Wear 开发平台负责人

上,我们正式宣布了一款专门针对中国市场的Android Wear 2.0 href="">开发者预览版。Android Wear



在Android Wear 2.0系统中,应用可以由Android
Wear手表直接连接至互联网。因此,对于大多数应用来说,手机端的伴侣应用也就变得不再必要。这也意味着,多数为Android Wear
2.0开发应用的开发者将不再需要引用Google Play services客户端库。

目前,在两个情况下开发者仍然需要引入Google Play Services客户端库来为中国市场开发应用:

  • 需要与手机直接进行通信的应用 - 有一些用例需要Android
    Wear手表与已配对手机直接连接。在这种情况下,Android Wear 1.0中引入的href="">Data
    Layer API仍然可以继续使用。
  • 使用 href="">FusedLocationProvider
    - 我们在最新的中国版SDK中加入了定位的支持。在用户的许可下,您的应用可以通过FusedLocationProvider来接收定位更新。

Play service的更多信息。

Android Wear 2.0 中国版产品测试

Android Wear 2.0 开发者预览版包括最新的SDK套件,手表测试系统镜像(基于华为手表)。


  • 更新到Android Studio至v2.1.1以上版本
  • 访问 Android Wear
    2.0 开发者预览版
  • href="">下载手表系统镜像
  • 在手表上测试您的应用

